“I’ll carry anything. For example, even if it’s a dead body or banned goods, I’ll do it.”
A “courier” of many mysteries hiding alone on The Isle of Seiren. He has extreme pride in his work, and finds it inexcusable to not handle a request flawlessly once contracted. He’s also fussy when it comes to cleanliness. He seems to have washed up with some goods for a job, but he stubbornly refuses say what they are or discuss the details of the request. He possess a state of the art, miniaturized cannon known as a “gun.”
Ricotta (12 years old)
Weapon: Whipmace
Attack Attribute: Strike
“Crumbling buildings, giant trees. Adol, you have a lot of favorite things!”
A young girl who was living on The Isle of Seiren before Adol and company washed ashore. She’s innocent and not easily worn out, and she knows the island’s geography and traits of the Ancients very well. She seems to have learned knowledge and languages from the variety of books that washed ashore on the island, but the contents of said books are considerably one-sided, so she’ll sometimes say strange things. She is waiting by herself for her father, who went out to explore the island, but…