Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates won’t have male characters
Plus other tidbits from producer Norihisa Kochiwa.
The latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation features an interview with Norihisa Kochiwa, producer on the newly announced Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates for PS Vita from Compile Heart.
Here are the tidbits:
What’s the reason behind making this an RPG?
“Given the developer Felistella‘s know-how when it comes to Compile Heart RPGs, such as Neptunia, we decided to release it as an RPG this time.”
Are there any male characters?
“There aren’t. We’re focusing on representing soft-chested women.”
How many girls will appear?
“There are seven main women, but in addition to them, there are a lot of monster girls that appear. There are also lively parts where strange monsters are rendered in 3D.”
What is “Chest Growth?”
“With the growth system of this game, the girls are faced against their own chests, which will grow by rubbing. Rub, and your status will increase. It’s possible not only to grow bigger, but smaller, too. If your chest is big, your attack power is higher and your defense is also superior. Alternatively, when your chest is small, you’re superior in speed.”
“At first glance, you might only see the game for its sex appeal, but we’re thoroughly producing its contents.”
Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates is due out for PS Vita in Japan this summer for 7,344 yen. A 9,504 yen limited edition will also be available.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.