Taiwanese studios announce PlayStation VR titles at Taipei Game Show 2016 [Update]
The Telltale Project, The Occasional Encounter, and O! My Genesis VR.
Taiwanese developers announced new PlayStation VR projects during Sony’s pre-Taipei Game Show 2016 press conference today.
Here’s the set of announcements, via Famitsu (2):
The Telltale ProjectUnearthing Mars from Winking Entertainment and WindThunderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W52H5dwiRoE
The Occasional Encounter from UserJoy Technology
O! My Genesis VR (tentative) from XPEC Entertainment
Famitsu has still yet to post a report on its website, so we’re without details about these titles for now. Stay tuned for any potential updates.
Update 7:35 a.m.: Videos of The Telltale Project and O! My Genesis VR have been added.
Update 03/07/16 at 8:30 a.m.: The title of The Telltale Project has been changed to Unearthing Mars.