The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Dragon Quest Builders producer Noriyoshi Fujimoto, who discusses the game’s length, among other factors.
Get the interview tidbits below.
Are there any differences based on the protagonist’s gender?
Fujimoto: “No. You can also customize the player’s skin and hair color. You can change your appearance, including your name, at any time via the system menu.”
Regarding Free Build Mode…
“In Free Build mode, since the entire map is like a town, monsters won’t surface. If you want to battle monsters, you can go to the ‘The Island of Cleared Stage Materials’ or the ‘Battle Island,’ which will be a private island where you can fight. On Battle Island, you can get special rewards by using Battle Tickets.”
How long does it take to clear the story?
“You can enjoy the main story for about the same about of time as a traditional Dragon Quest game. If you explore each continent and do the side elements, it’ll take 100 hours easy. If you’re just doing the main story without detours, you’ll be playing for 50 to 60 hours. The towns in the story mode aren’t big, as we’ve put limitations. I want you to create big towns in Free Build mode.”
Regarding Share functionality…
“Spoilers are okay. You can do everything.”
Will we see all the towns from Dragon Quest I?
“We’re making the terrain based on the map of Dragon Quest I, so naturally I would think you can go just about anywhere that was in the first game. As for how it holds up, I want you to check it for yourself.”
Are there buildings that weren’t in Dragon Quest I?
“There is a pyramid in the desert, and there’s a number of towers that you’ve never seen. We weren’t thinking about a complete reproduction of the first game. You can dig into mountains, discover caves, and find treasure chests, so I think we’ve made it into a game where it’s clear it’s a block-making RPG.”
Dragon Quest Builders will launch for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita in Japan on January 28.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.