Bubble Bobble, Double Dragon II, Gradius II and more coming to PS4 Arcade Archives
Hamster confirms new releases.
Hamster Corporation announced more upcoming Arcade Archives PlayStation 4 re-releases during a Niconico live stream today.
The newly confirmed titles include:
- Bubble Bobble (1986, Taito)
- Kid’s Horehore Daisakusen (1987, NIchibutsu)
- Double Dragon II: The Revenge (1989, Technos)
- Soldier Girl Amazon (1986, Nichibutsu)
After these titles, Flak Attack (1987, Konami) and Gradius 2 (1988, Konami) are planned for release from spring, Darius (1986, Taito) in the summer, and The Ninja Warriors (1987, Taito) in the fall.
Watch a promotional trailer for Arcade Archives below.
Thanks, Game Kana.