Stranger of Sword City first English screenshots, details
PS Vita dungeon RPG due out in March.
NIS America has shared new details and the first English screenshots of Stranger of Sword City, its upcoming dungeon RPG from Demon Gaze developer Experience.
In Stranger of Sword City, players survive a mysterious plane crash and wake up in Escario, an unfamiliar land known as the city of swords. You’re soon marked the “Chosen One,” or the “Stranger of Sword City,” and must choose allegiances to defend the city and search for a way home. You’ll be able to customize your team through character creation options, including their age, race, talent, class, and more.
Here is some more information, via the PlayStation Blog:
Decisions to be Made
The choices you make in Stranger of Sword City will affect how you play, as allying yourself with different factions will unlock different skills and benefits for your party members. You’ll have to carefully consider if you’ll be throwing your support behind the mysterious Strangers Guild, gambling on the shifty Medell Co. to help you out, or running the straight and narrow with the city’s defenders in the Kingdom.
Each step of the way on your journey will offer risk and reward as you build rapport with each group in order to maximize your chances of surviving and finding your way home.
Then, Out of Nowhere!
Speaking of risk and reward, Stranger of Sword City features a unique Ambush system that will put your life on the line to earn the greatest loot. As the name implies, this system lets you observe your enemies before jumping into battle when the perfect opportunity presents itself.
Using the Ambush system, you’ll have a chance to encounter unique enemies, and get a helpful glimpse at the loot they’re transporting! Careful though, you’ll be vulnerable to enemy ambushes as well if you wait too long in search of the best gear.
You Want a Challenge?
Ever told your brother how awesome the team you built in your game was, only to have him try to one-up you with how fast he cleared the game? No? Hm, well, I certainly have and I hate my brother thinking he’s better than me, so I’m super pumped for the leaderboard system that Experience has added!
It lets you rank and compare yourself against other players across more than 40 categories, including everything from level clear time to party and item strength. So you’ll want to take advantage of that Ambush system if you want to reach the top of the charts.
Stranger of Sword City will launch for PS Vita both physically and digitally in North America on March 22, 2016 and in Europe on March 25.
View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.