The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence Sengoku Risshiden. It will launch on March 24 in Japan for 7,800 yen on PS Vita, 8,800 yen on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, and 9,800 yen on PC.
The same title was leaked via the Steam database six days ago.
While based on Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence, you can experience the life of a military commander for the first time in Sengoku Risshiden. With the summer campaign of the siege of Osaka depicted by the TV drama Sanada Maru as the theme, various scenarios and battle events are being prepared. The visuals from Sanada Maru TV drama will be used even in the game.
The following are excerpts from an interview with producer Kenichi Ogasawara:
- The idea for this game came from Taikou Risshiden V.
- There was a lot of fan demand to implement playable military commanders.
- We didn’t want to weaken the concept of the title by releasing it as downloadable content for Nobunaga’s Ambition: Sphere of Influence, so we went with a different release.
- This time, you can choose one person to play from 2,000 military commanders. If you choose a Daimyo, the gameplay is closer to Sphere of Influence. If you choose an ordinary military commander, you’ll expand from empty territory.
- It’s not necessary to take the country, we want you to play with the goal of fulfilling the life of the military commander.
- When your life runs out and you die, the game ends.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.