Aksys Games has launched a teaser Twitter account for Zero Time Dilemma, the third entry in its Zero Escape series, available at @_crash_keys_.
The first tweet from the account, retweeted by the Aksys Games Twitter account, includes the following character artwork and message:
It has been more difficult than anticipated to smuggle information out of Dcom regarding the viral Zero Time Dilemma, but we at Crash Keys have finally obtained the most bare bones of details that should prove useful to surviving the coming apocalypse. It is necessary to reveal everything in small doses as to avoid detection, but we can share the first piece now. Stay alert for future communiqués.
Remember, the threat is real.
Zero Time Dilemma is due out for PS Vita and 3DS in North America physically and digitally, and in Europe as a digital-only title in summer 2016. If you missed it, catch a rundown of the game here.