Shahid Ahmad leaving PlayStation
The man responsible for bringing many indies to PlayStation.
Shahid Ahmad, director of strategic content at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, will leave PlayStation after 10 years on December 1 so he can go back to making video games.
“I want to make games again,” Ahmad said in a blog post. “I stopped being a developer around a quarter of a century ago and have seen so many changes since then, with most of the exciting ones happening in the last few years. I want to be part of that.”
Ahmad is responsible for a number of independently developed games appearing on PlayStation platforms, including No Man’s Sky, Hellblade, Robinson: The Journey, Volume, Nuclear Throne, Hotline Miami, and many more.
“Strategic Content will continue,” Ahmad said. “There are no plans to change anything. Our approach to developers will also be unchanged. We have many talented people across the board who work tirelessly to support developers in bringing their videogames to PlayStation.”
Ahmad started his career as a coder in 1982, and self-published his first game the same year. He later designed Chimera and Pandora. In 2012, he remastered the former.