Dragon Quest Builders Japanese first-print and retailer-specific bonuses announced
Cherry blossoms, Slime wallpaper, and more.
Square Enix has announced the Japanese first-print and retailer-specific bonuses for Dragon Quest Builders.
Outside of the Square Enix e-Shop, the retailer-specific bonuses consist of “Battle Ticket + Blueprint Set.” These include a battle ticket to call forth an army of monsters. Defeating them will earn you a blueprint, which you can use to complete a nostalgic, pixel-style, Dragon Quest III character.
First-Print Bonus
“Cherry Blossom Tree Matting Pattern Block”
An “Original Recipe” for “ashes that make flower bloom” (basically, seeds to plant a cherry blossom tree).
Square Enix e-Store Bonus
“Slime Pattern Block Recipe”
An “Original Recipe” for a special Slime Pattern Block to decorate the room walls with a iconic Dragon Quest Slimes.
“Death Knight & Armor Knight Army + Dragon Quest III Wizard Blueprints (Male)” Set
Take on a giant Death Knight and its army of Armor Knights.
“Killing Machine & Hunter Mech Army + Dragon Quest III Sage Blueprints (Female)” Set
Take on a giant Killing Machine and its army of Hunter Mechs.
Game Tsutaya Tsutaya Online Shopping
“Goldman & Skeleton Soldier Army + Dragon Quest III Monk Blueprints (Male)” Set
Take on a giant Goldman and its army of Skeleton Soldiers.
Biccamera / Soffmap / Kojima
“Bewarewolf & Ghost Army + Dragon Quest III Dancer Blueprints (Female)” Set
Take on a giant Bewarewolf and its army of Ghosts.
Yodobashi Camera
“Great Mage & Dracky Army + Dragon Quest III Warrior Blueprints (Female)” Set
Take on a giant Great Mage and its army of Dracky.
Lawson / Lawson Net Shopping / MiniStop
“Dragon & Slime Army + Dragon Quest III Hero Blueprints (Male)” Set