Sequel features new time mechanic, due out around end of Q2 2016.
Corecell Technology has announced AeternoBlade II for PS Vita and 3DS. It’s due out digitally “around the end of Q2 2016.”
The sequel to AeternoBlade, which debuted for 3DS and later made its way to PS Vita followed by PlayStation 4, will feature a new time manipulation mechanic, as well as more action features while still keeping “Metroidvania-style” features such map exploration, solving time puzzles, and collecting relics.
AeternoBlade II‘s two main characters are Freyja and Bernard (we’ve tried fixing up the developer’s broken English from the press release):
After creating a new paradox, her life has changed for the better. But in response to a universal time effect, Freyja has to pick up the AeternoBlade again.
A young knight who specializes in heavy weaponry. He isn’t very talkative, but has a kind heart.
Corecell Technology said it would “probably” support more platforms for AternoBlade II following its initial handheld release.