Western Yakuza 5 to ship with all Japanese DLC
Final "Welcome to the World of Yakuza 5" video released.
The western version of Yakuza 5 will ship with all of the downloadable content released in Japan pre-packaged into the game, Sega announced.
This includes “Another Drama,” a series of extensive sub-plots that focus on each of Yakuza 5‘s five protagonists.
Yakuza 5 will be put up for digital pre-order on the PlayStation Store today. All pre-orders will include a static PlayStation 3 theme. The game will see a digital-only release for PlayStation 3 this fall.
Read more about Yakuza 5 over at the PlayStation Blog.
Watch the final video in the “Welcome to the World of Yakuza 5” series below. (If you missed them, be sure to watch parts one and two.)
View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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