Distant Worlds composer says a Final Fantasy XII “remake” is coming
(He probably meant "remaster.")
Final Fantasy Distant Worlds composer Arnie Roth said at Distant World in Pittsburgh tonight that a Final Fantasy XII “remake” is on the way.
The reports come in from a number of Twitter users who attended the concert.
Roth apparently motioned to Final Fantasy XII composer Hitoshi Sakimoto upon making the announcement.
Before anyone gets excited for something on the scale of Final Fantasy VII Remake, it’s quite possible (and likely) he meant “remaster.”
Back in December, Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto hinted at more Final Fantasy re-releases for PlayStation 4 following Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster.
“Actually, not limited to just X | X-2, we’re currently thinking of setting [a way] to have other past Final Fantasy titles playable on the PS4,” Hashimoto said. “Most of our Final Fantasy assets go up until the PS3, while most of the world has rapidly been shifting towards the PS4.”
He continued, “However, this does not mean that we can simply transfer [these titles] to PS4, so as content holders, we must prepare a way to steadily have them available to play on PS4.”
Update: Here’s footage of Roth’s “announcement,” via Final Fantasy Network: