Digimon World: Next Order reveals female protagonist
Choose between male hero Takuto and female hero Shiki.In Digimon World: Next Order, players will be able to choose to play as a female protagonist in addition to male protagonist Takuto, this month’s V Jump reveals.
The female protagonist is a pony-tailed girl named Shiki. Like the male protagonist, players can change her name. Whereas Takuto’s character artwork is accompanied by Agumon and Gabumon, Shiki’s character artwork is accompanied by the Digimon Biyomon and Palmon.
V Jump also reveals another character named Kouta Hirose, who is a senior at the same high school as the protagonist. He has a kind personality and knows how to read the room. He’s partnered with Guilmon.
Additionally, the magazine also showcases some of the various expressions your Digimon will make, like happy, sad. etc.
Digimon World: Next Order will launch for PS Vita in Japan in 2016.
Thanks, YXDown (via Games Talk).