Level-5 announced Yo-Kai Watch 3 for 3DS during its Level-5 Vision press conference in Japan today.
Yo-kai Watch 3 is set in St. Peanutsburg, a town located somewhere in the United States of America, where Keita moves after his father is transferred overseas. It’s different from Sakura New Town, but just like the series’ former location, it’s filled with Yo-kai. Keita will encounter a number of “American Yo-kai” here, with everything from their looks to their abilities having an “American” feel.
Some of the new Yo-kai include:
- Dasocks – The redundancy Yo-kai. He’s a snake, yet he has two legs, each wearing a sock. When he possesses someone, they’ll always say a word too many when speaking.
- Pinto Corn – He never seems to understand anything that’s said to him, and his eyes are always distant. When he possesses someone, they, too, tend to say things of little importance and have a dubious grasp of what all is going on. He has a habit of saying, “Huh? I don’t get it.”
- Nikuyaki – A middle-aged Yo-kai who loves to eat meat. When he possesses someone, they’ll randomly begin treating people to barbecue.
Keita won’t be the only human protagonist in Yo-kai Watch 3, though. A new heroine character named Inaho Misora and her ghost pa USA-Pyon are joining the fray. Here’s an overview of the pair:
- USA-Pyon (voiced by Kotori Shigemoto) – A Jibanyan and Koma-san-grade main Yo-kai. Although he pretends to be tough and often brags, he hates being alone in his lonely shop. Much like Koma-san ends his phrases with “zura,” USA-Pyon has a similar “dani” phrase. He met with NASU (the game’s spoof of NASA) doctor Pyuri and was one of the first small animals supposed to go into space, but…
- Inaho Misora (voiced by Aoi Yuki) – The second protagonist, she acknowledges herself as “a bit of an otaku.” She’s shy and does not speak to others much as school. Though not a particularly dark personality-wise, for whatever reason she has a tough time with school. As an overly avid TV watcher, she’s also easily influenced by many things. She loves sci-fi and is obsessed with the thought that everyone at her school might be possessed by aliens without even realizing it. She has a mother, father, and younger brother name Riku.
Some of Inaho’s classmates include:
- Yuuka Ishinomori – Inaho’s childhood friend. They have a relationship where they can discuss various things. But unlike Inaho, Yuuka is not an otaku.
- Kirara Hoshikaze – A girl who comes from a rich family and is always followed by her two escorts.
While Keita’s story is focused in St. Peanutsburg, USA, Inaho’s story is focused in Sakura New Town, Japan. Inaho’s story is a Yo-kai detective team-like story, while Keita’s is about settling the trouble-making of Yo-kai in a foreign country.
Yo-Kai Watch 3 also brings with it an evolution of the Yo-kai Watch used in the game. The “Yo-kai Watch U Prototype” apparently has a surprise feature. And it’s compatible with “American Medals,” too.
Following the game’s release, Level-5 says it will release at least three large-scale updates, pushing the game to version 4.0.
Watch the trailers for Yo-kai Watch 3 and the second season of the anime below. View the first images at the gallery. Visit the game’s website here.