Dengeki PlayStation this week has a new interview with Star Ocean: Integrity & Faithlessness producer Shuichi Kobayashi and director Hiroshi Ogawa, who discuss the game’s platform choice, development concept, downloadable content, and seamless focus.
Get the quotes below.
Why were PS4 and PS3 chosen as the hardware?
Kobayashi: “We thought about what hardware older Star Ocean fans played the most, and decided on PlayStation. Our choice of PlayStation 4 and PS3 specifically had less to do with wanting to stick to home consoles, per se, as much as just wanting this game to have as wide a reach as possible among those longtime fans.”
What’s the development concept of Star Ocean 5?
Ogawa: “The basis is ‘virtuousness’ and ‘a return to our origins.’ I want to complete the game so that people who like RPGs will be pleased with it.”
Kobayashi: “Specifically, our goal is ‘to make a Star Ocean game that lives up to contemporary standards and can win over RPG fans.'”
What about DLC?
Kobayashi: “We’re not thinking about story downloadable content or a complete version. Of course, if users ask for it, the potential is there. Personally, I’m of the opinion that if we have time to make such DLC, it’d ultimately be better spent just working on our next game, as that’ll make people most happy.”
What parts are you putting most your efforts into?
Kobayashi: “I’m fixated on the seamless aspect. When you’re attacked on the field, the camera will move to a position where the player can fight without discomfort.”
Ogawa: “However, there is still room to adjust the camera, I think. We’re going to be touching it up until the very end.”
Kobayashi: “All of the screenshots we released so far are real-time. You’ll move between events and battles seamlessly.”
If you missed it, catch our summary of everything we know so far about the PlayStation 4 and PS3 sequel here.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.