The latest issue of Famitsu DS+Wii, Famitsu’s Nintendo specialist magazine, teases a big new title to be announced in next month’s issue.
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In next month’s issue, we might be able to reveal ultra top secret information about a big title.
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Dropping even a single hint feels too scary, so I’ll refrain from doing that and just say to please look forward to the next issue!
Games Talk brings up the possibility of the announcement being Dragon Quest-related. This is due to the latest V Jump Dragon Quest Network blog post, which teased: “In addition to V Jump’s Dragon Quest X article and Shonen Jump’s Dragon Quest X article, there is also… we’ll announce it in the near future. But at any rate, we’ve been really busy!”
Whether there is a connection between the Famitsu DS+Wii tease and the Dragon Quest tease is, of course, uncertain. Games Talk theorizes that it could well be the case, though, given the magazine’s complete silence in terms of hints. “If the game is that major that letting slip any hints really is so ‘scary,’ it would be plausible to see it turn out to have something to do with Dragon Quest,” the site speculates. “Knowing that, hypothetically, we could see a new Dragon Quest game coming for the 3DS or the Wii U.”
It’s also possible this announcement is connected to next month’s Level-5 Vision 2015 press conference.
Famitsu DS+Wii comes out around the 20th of every month. Expect the June issue, which contains this new title, to launch between April 19 to 21.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.