Previous Tales save data unlocks attachments in Tales of Zestiria
Get Yuri, Sophie, Jude, Ludger, Lloyd, and Marta plushies.
Save data from previous Tales of PlayStation 3 games will net you various attachments in Tales of Zestiria, Bandai Namco announced.
Tales of Vesperia save data will get you a Yuri plush attachment.
Tales of Graces F save data will get you a Sophie plush attachment.
Tales of Xillia save data will get you a Jude plush attachment.
Tales of Xillia 2 save data will get you a Ludger plush attachment.
Tales of Symphonia save data will get you a Lloyd plush attachment.
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World save data will get you a Marta plush attachment.
Tales of Zestiria is due out on January 22 in Japan and later this year in North America and Europe.
Thanks, Games Talk.