Sinon and human-size Yui will appear in Sword Art Online: Lost Song, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.
3D models for both characters are shown in the magazine, with Yui in her white one-piece dress as she appeared in the first arc of Sword Art Online, rather than the fairy form she’s most recently taken.
The magazine also introduces a new base city area called “Sky Capital Line,” where players will be able to make use of facilities such as the weapon shop & workshop, inn, and bar.
Lost Song is set on ALfheim Online’s Svart ALfheim, a legendary continent composed of several floating continents. Players will be able to move between continents via portals, according to the magazine.
The game will also support online play for up to four players. A scene with chat performed via preset phrases is shown in the magazine, but details such as how playable characters are delegated remain unknown.
Other random tidbits mentioned: Sword Skills will be available from the beginning of the game. And dungeons consists of enemies and treasure.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.
Thanks, Sokuho@Hokanko.