Persona Q: Party forming video, Fuuka, Kanji, Koromaru, and Rise English character trailers
3DS dungeon RPG less than two weeks away from launch.
This week’s Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth media blasts includes English character trailers for Persona 3‘s Fuuka and Koromaru, Persona 4‘s Kanji and Rise, and an introduction to party forming.
In Persona Q, players can build their own party of characters from Persona 3 and 4. You can mash them together or stick to a game-based team, it’s your choice. There are a total of 20 characters to choose from with five usable per battle. Your party must be set before entering a labyrinth, otherwise you’ll have to leave to try a new lineup.
Watch the videos below, complete with Atlus-provided descriptions. The 3DS dungeon RPG is due out in North America on November 25 and in Europe on November 28.
Party Forming
Fuuka Yamagishi
Fuuka, the labyrinth navigator from P3 is a strong battle navigator to start off with, since her Healing Breeze spell refreshes the whole party for three turns, and eventually learns a passive that lets the team regen health and SP!
Kanji Tatsumi
I’ll bash you good! The brash Kanji is back as a front-line brawler with his trusty metal chair. He has high HP for brutal physical attacks and his Persona Take-Mikazuchi gives him lightning elemental attacks. A high HP sub-Persona works well for Kanji, but it’s up to you if you want to make him an all-out damage dealer or a tank with defensive abilities.
Koro! KORO! Sooooo fluffy! The adorable canine Persona-user from Persona 3 is back and cuter than ever in Persona Q! But despite his cute looks, Koro is a highly competent frontline fighter, either through slashing attacks or assaulting with Fire and Dark magic from his Persona Cerberus. Koromaru is a strong attacker, either through magic abilities or physical attacks, so it’s up to your play-style to determine what kind of sub-Persona to use.
Rise Kujikawa
Rise is no stranger to the spotlight and uses those skills to help out her teammates! Her support abilities can manipulate turn order, and let a team member go first — either to land a crucial killing blow or get off a quick heal to save the entire party.