Capcom teases new PS4 game announcement coming soon
"It's gonna be something that will even turn heads overseas."
Capcom has a new PlayStation 4 game that it will soon be able to announce, company director and producer Jun Takeuchi teased in the latest issue of Famitsu.
“PlayStation 4 development has been ongoing, but the more I use the system the more it seems there is to uncover,” Takeuchi said. “SCE has made a really incredible system for us.”
Asked if Capcom has other PlayStation 4 titles coming out, outside of what’s already been announced, Takeuchi replied: “Of course. Right now, we’re seeing how far we can push the game engine. You’ll be surprised by the quality of the games we’re working on right now.
“I think we’ll be able to announce it soon, so please look forward to it. I realize that’s obnoxious (laughs).
“It’s gonna be something that will even turn heads overseas.”
Yoshinori Ono is known to be working on a second PlayStation 4 game alongside Deep Down. Perhaps this is the same game. And if so, PlayStation Experience is early next month, and Ono will be in attendance.
If it means anything, Takeuchi’s past works include Onimusha and Onimusha 3, the Lost Planet series, and Resident Evil 5.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.