Jump this week introduces two new characters set to appear in Tales of Zestiria.
Simon, voiced by Hiromi Igarashi, is a mysterious Seraph (previously referred to as Tenzoku) who doesn’t abide by the Doushi and instead acts on her own accord. She is ruthless and cynical towards Sorey and company, and holds a special power that does not depend on the common four elements.
Renard, voiced by Takehito Koyasu, is a ruthless assassin from the “Bone of the Wind” assassin’s guild who relentlessly stalks Alisha. He is a sly and cold-blooded person who genuinely enjoys murder.
Tales of Zestiria is due out for PlayStation 3 on January 22 in Japan and by summer 2015 in North America and Europe.
Thanks, @kazu4281.