Dengeki has gone up with a new online preview of Sword Art Online: Lost Song, providing a first look at a new area called “Vorklinde.”
Lost Song is set on a legendary continent in ALfheim Online called “Svart ALfheim, which is composed of several floating continents. One of which is Vorklinde, a floating grassland where you’ll find windmills and other large structures.

Additionally, Bandai Namco revealed a limited edition for the PS Vita version of the game. For 9,980 yen, it will include a special box, special Blu-ray disc, soundtrack CD, special booklet, and 12 clear posters. The standard edition of the game will cost 7,120 yen on PlayStation 3 and 6,170 yen on PS Vita.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26. The game is also being localized in English for Asia.