Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit Japanese retail edition detailed
Rhythm cooking, now in packaged form.
As announced earlier this week, PS Vita‘s downloadable rhythm cooking game Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit is getting a retail release in Japan. Marvelous today released first images of the packaged version.
First-print run copies of the retail edition will include a visual book and soundtrack CD. The 36-page visual book includes character illustrations and opening animation storyboards, as well as various game-related artwork. The soundtrack CD includes the game’s theme song, sung by Asuka, all of its BGM music, and the following six song set:
- “Futomaki Ninnin” – Asuka (CV: Hitomi Harada)
- “Break Out of Your Shell!” – Homura (CV: Eri Kitamura)
- “Puri-puri Prisoner” – Yumi (CV: Yumi Hara)
- “Zetsubou no Machieavellism” – Miyabi (CV: Hiromi Hirata)
- “Rasetsu Shuradou” – Daidoji-senpai (CV: Yu Asakawa)
- “Okakugo Mesareyo Teacher” – Rin (CV: Suzuko Mimori)
Additionally, the packaged version will include downloadable characters Daidouji-senpai and Rin, as well as a 48-icon avatar set.
Finally, first-print run copies of the “Dekamori Shinovi Pack,” which includes both Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit and Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus, will include the “‘Delicious’ Downloadable Content Set.”
View images of the retail version at the gallery.
Watch a promo below.