Capcom has taken to its official blog to kick off a new series of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate monster introductions.
This week, we meet the Flame King Dragon known as Teostra, a flamethrower-able dragon that can burn anyone in close range. He returns from his initial debut in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
Find the details below, via Capcom Unity.
Teostra, the Flame King Dragon
The majestic Teostra returns… and he’s more explosive than ever before!
The Teostra has always been a very powerful monster, and with his time away since Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, he has learned a number of new tricks that make him even more terrifying! Most of his old attacks and abilities remained the same: the really wide and far-reaching flamethrower attack is still one his main moves; and he is still surrounded by extreme heat most of the time – burning any who approach him!
However, his explosive attacks received a few tweaks based on a new mechanic introduced in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Previously, his main explosive attack was his area-of-effect move that spreads an explosive dust around him is largely the same. Now when he does his claw or tail swipes, he will also spread some dust that can catch onto you and explode seconds later, either on its own or when you get hit again. Yes, that is the same effect as Brachydios’ slime!
So just as little recap, the Teostra can: use flamethrower attacks, burn anyone in close proximity, spread devastating explosive dust, and afflict you with Blastblight (formerly known as Slimeblight). On top of all that, he also has a new super-nova style attack that will make short work of anyone caught off guard! Are you ready for this?
Teostra’s incentive armor and weapons include the Blademaster and Gunner armors, and the Lance and Heavy Bowgun weapons. While all of his weapons used to be of the Fire element, they’re now mostly Blast (Slime).
Next week’s update will introduce a new monkey-looking monster said to take full advantage of the game’s terrain.
View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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