Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth introduces new character Yuuko
A mysterious girl who meets the player at a hospital.Jump this week introduces a new character in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.
Yuuko Kamishiro is a young woman who meets the protagonist at a hospital while researching the mysterious EDEN virus. She gives the player a certain request when she encounters them. Her Digimon are the mischievous Gatomon and Black Gatomon.
Outside of Yuuko, the magazine has a short blurb on the game’s “Connect Jump” ability, which the protagonist can use to access the digital world. The player can activate this special power to enter the servers and dive into network dungeons, where the player can hack through the tough security using their Digimon’s special techniques.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is due out for PS Vita next year in Japan.
Thanks, Anime News Network.