Akiba’s Trip 2 PlayStation 4 ‘Share & Chat’ gameplay
A look at some of the interactive comments you can send.This week’s AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed PlayStation 4 gameplay video introduces the game’s live broadcasting chat features.
When live streaming your game, users can send comments that affect your game. Sending “panty” makes it so that an NPC characters panties fall off. “Panty jump” brings down panties from the sky. “Panty around” encircles panties around the player. “Attack” causes your partner to attack an enemy. “Police” calls in the authorities for help. “Unison” boosts your Unison Gauge to the max in one go. And “help” summons your little sister with some decked out gear.
Watch the footage below. The PlayStation 4 version of the game is due out in Japan on July 3. The PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions are due out in North America this summer.