Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia showcased a new lineup of PlayStation 4 (and two PS Vita) indie games during its stage event at BitSummit in Kyoto today.
Among previously known titles like Mighty No. 9, Project Phoenix, and Octodad: Dadliest Catch, the following new software was shown:
- Assault Suit Leynos (PS4, Dracue Software) – Reportedly a full remake of the original Mega Drive game.
- Infinita Strata (PS Vita, Office 5656) – No details.
- One Upon Light (PS4, SUTD Game Lab) – A monochromatic puzzle game where light is dangerous and players must move in the shadows.
- Prismatic Solid (PS4, YO1 KOMORI) – A shoot ’em up initially launched as a $1 Xbox LIVE Indie Game in June 2010. Watch an old trailer here.
- Revolver360 Re:Actor (PS4, Cross Eaglet) – A “rotary shoot ’em up” first sold for PC at Comiket 85 last year. Watch an old trailer here.
- Rocketbird 2: Evolution (PS4 and PS Vita, Ratloop Asia) – Previously announced, but officially debuted at BitSummit.
Watch the debut trailer for Rocketbirds 2: Evolution below. View the first three screenshots at the gallery.
Thanks, Dengeki Online.