Tales of Graces lead planner involved in Tales of Zestiria
Tales of Graces lead planner working on 20th anniversary Tales.
Tatsurou Udou is involved in the development of Tales of Zestiria, Tales series producer Hideo Baba confirmed to a fan during a Tales of Xillia 2 Scenario Book signing in Japan yesterday.
Udou, better known as Udotchi, worked as a battle programmer on Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny 2, Tales of Rebirth, and Tales of Destiny (PS2 version), was the lead planner and battle effects programmer on Tales of Graces, and participated as game design support on Tales of Xillia 2.
When Tales of Zestiria‘s teaser site was still a countdown site to next Tales game, code found in the page suggested it had something to do with Tales of Vesperia. Baba said this was “a big mistake” and that he was “very angry” about it.
Thanks, Tale Tale Source.