Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment has a first-person mode
Plus, customize your own Kirito to make him look completely different.
Namco Bandai shared new details on Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment today, including a new first-person view “subjective mode.”
Find the new information below.
Filia (voiced by Yui Ishikawa)
The mysterious girl Kirito encounters in the Hollow Area.
The City of 76 Layers – Arc Sophia
The same city that appeared in Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment. The facilities in PS Vita version of the city have undergone a complete transformation. A new story begins here.
Players can enjoy battles in the PS Vita game’s lovely fields. And there are new things to discover, too.
Compared to Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment, battles are more vivid and intense.
Like Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment, your “Partner” is an important element of the game. In Hollow Fragment, the number of available partners has increased.
(1) If you become good friends with your partner, you can walk through the streets of Aincrad’s city holding hands.
(2) If you become good friends with your partner, you can walk through the streets of Aincrad’s city carrying your partner.
Subjectivity Mode
Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment comes has a “subjective point of view” mode. Enjoy the story of Aincrad from Kirito’s eyes in a first-person view.
Players can freely customize their own Kirito avatar. You can play as original Kirito, simply change his hairdo, or change his appearance completely.
The following features can be altered: face, hairdo, eye color, name, and voice.
In multiplayer, up to four players (which totals eight allies on the field counting each player’s partner character) can play together via ad-hoc connectivity.