With PS Vita TV due out on November 14 in Japan, Sony has released a four-minute introduction video highlighting the 9,480 yen system’s various capabilities.
Here’s the run-down:
- You can play PS Vita games on your TV.
- You can use the same save data across PS Vita TV and PS Vita to take your games on the go and back.
- If your friends are over, you can play ad-hoc multiplayer while three friends are on their PS Vitas and you’re on PS Vita TV.
- There are many supported video services like Tsutaya TV, Nico Nico, Hulu, TV Dogatch, and more.
- There are various supported entertainment services like Music Unlimited, Reader, Joysound.TV Plus, Radiko.jp, Twitter, internet browser, and Nasne.
- If your PlayStation 4 is in one room, you can play it in another room via PS Vita TV remote play.
Watch the video below.