News of BioShock Infinite‘s first downloadable expansion is likely to arrive tomorrow, if teasers from creative director Ken Levine are to go by.
Yesterday, the Irrational Games boss tweeted he was “excited for tomorrow.” Normally, this would mean nothing. But Irrational previously promised news on BioShock Infinite‘s downloadable content at the end of July.
Later that day, Levine added, “Check the internets Tuesday at around 8AM est to see what I’m up to tomw. Hopefully, it won’t involve a perp walk.”
Today, Levine was asked by a follower when we’d see the BioShock Infinite DLC. Hinting at his earlier tweets, he replied, “Read my tweets today, dude/dudette! All that tweet sweat for nothing!”
The likely case here—the DLC is being shown to select members of the press today, before being unveiled to the public tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Thanks, NeoGAF.