Xbox One will allow friends to take over gameplay remotely and Kinect to talk back to users, according to a Polygon source.
The remote gameplay feature, similar to PlayStation 4‘s, will allow friends to take over your gameplay session should you require help through a difficult area, for example. In a demonstration of the feature, a source told Polygon that a message popped up on their screen asking if it was okay if the player they were chatting with on Skype could take over their game. Once the player took over, the other player was able to watch them play. Either user is able to end the remote play session at any time.
Some details about the feature are still unknown, such as how long a person can remotely play or if the other person will need to own a copy of the game to remotely play a friend’s.
The second feature includes Kinect becoming more like Apple’s Siri. The new Kinect camera will apparently be able to talk back to you. For example, when it sees someone in the room it doesn’t know, it will ask who it is so it can save their information to the console. Polygon’s source said the feature may not be available at the system’s launch, and if not will be patched in within the first few months.
Remember, as these features are unconfirmed, take them with a grain of salt.