Rumor: Tales of Symphonia: Perfect Edition set for PS3
Symphonia and Dawn of the New World in high-def.Tales of Symphonia: Perfect Edition—a high-definition remaster of Tales of Symphonia and its sequel Dawn of the New World—is in development for PlayStation 3, according “internal sources” of Spanish games site Koi-nya.
The outlet recently sat down with Tales series producer Hideo Baba at Expomanga in Madrid, where he was asked if he could confirm the rumor’s validity.
While Baba was not in a position to confirm the game’s existence, he did say something like that would be “a representation of the dreams and hopes of the fans who have long wanted it,” and that we might know something about it soon.
Also according to Koi-nya’s sources, both Tales of Symphonia: Perfect Edition and Tales of Xillia 2 are being planned for North American releases.
As all rumors go, take this one with a grain of salt. We’ll mail Namco Bandai for comment.