Famitsu has an interesting feature this week with comments from game makers on rumors or questions within the industry. We’ve gathered up the noteworthy ones below.
Q: When will we hear more about Sengoku Basara 4?
Q: Will the FOX Engine be used in the next Pro Evolution Soccer?
Namco Bandai
Q: Is a demo for God Eater 2 coming out?
A: There will be a public demo experience on June 8 and 9 (in Japanese stores), which might be live streamed. (PR)
Q: Will there be a 20th anniversary surprise for Nippon Ichi Software?
A: We may show a glimpse of Makai Wars, but we’re also preparing a surprising development about the control of Asagi’s fate at the end of Live. (NIS president Sohei Shinkawa)
Q: What’s Grand Theft Auto V‘s link with previous titles?
A: Characters from previous titles might appear.
Q: Is Samurai Warriors 4 coming?
A: We want to put out Samurai Warriors 4 next year, and we’re currently working on it. When we are ready to make an announcement, we’ll do it formally. (Tecmo Koei senior VP Hisashi Koinuma)
Q: Is the next Musou game Atelier Musou?
A: (laughs) It’s often said, “Won’t you make ~ Musou?” Among that is “Atelier Musou.” It might be interesting if we did something festival-like together with it. (Tecmo Koei senior VP Hisashi Koinuma)
Q: What’s going on with Ni-Oh?
A: We’re packing it full of content so you’ll be more surprised.(PR)
Q: When will we see Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z in action?
A: Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z will be playable at E3.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII director Tetsuya Nomura will participate on mdRADIO for a second time “near the end of May.” During his last appearance, he teased that the date has been set to share new information on Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Progress of upcoming Final Fantasy games:
- Final Fantasy X HD Remaster (PS3, PSV) – 80 percent
- Final Fantasy VIII (PC) – 80 percent
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, 360) – 70 percent
- Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster (PS3, PSV) – 65 percent
Update on Devil’s Third from Tomonobu Itagaki:
- Development is going well. It’s at a stage where the team can deeply expand on it’s playability.
- Since information hasn’t been being released at all, naturally you don’t hear rumors. There is no warring if you don’t know when or how an information leak will pop up. However, don’t expect to hear anything at E3.
- The game can do a lot. Based on the context so far, the team has made something very surprising to play.
- It’s coming along precisely according to Itagaki’s style.
Thanks, Sokuho@Hokanko.