The Wii U version of Resident Evil: Revelations will feature three different styles of play, including off-TV GamePad play.
Players can also use the standard GamePad and TV combination, allowing players to quickly access their map and weapons, or switch the GamePad for a Pro Controller.
Wii U players will also be able to post a “dying message” on Miiverse whenever they reach a “Game Over” screen. And “Creatures Voice” function will allow players to personalize the thoughts of enemies in Raid Mode to taunt their friends.
Additionally, Capcom revealed some general additions to the high-def port, which is also coming to PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. The game will add Rachel as a playable character in Raid Mode in addition to the already announced Hulk. And two new enemies, too—the Wall Blister, and a surprise new creature that appears in Raid Mode once players have reached a certain level. The game wll also support ResidentEvil.net.
Revelations is due for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and PC on May 21 in North America and May 24 in Europe. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.