Beyond: Two Souls gameplay, screenshots
Quantic Dream has a PlayStation 4 game in the works, too.
New gameplay footage and screenshots for Sony and Quantic Dream‘s upcoming PlayStation 3 game Beyond: Two Souls have gone been released.
Several media outllets have gone live with new previews. Have your pick: CVG, Destructoid, GameSpot, The Globe and Mail, IGN, The Verge, or VG247.
In related news, Quantic Dream has also confirmed work on its first PlayStation 4 game has begun. Further details were not shared, but studio boss Guillaume de Fondaumiere said it “is not going to resemble” what Quantic is doing on PlayStation 3, and that they’re aiming to “reinvent” themselves.
Beyond: Two Souls is due out in October. Watch the gameplay below, courtesy of VG247. View the screenshots at the gallery.