Media Molecule teases mystery game; more info “soonish”
"It's a Mystery," teases English singer Toyah Wilcox.This past weekend, internet forum goers discovered a link to a mysterious new game project on Media Molecule‘s official website, marked only with a question mark and the music video to Toyah Wilcox’s 1981 hit “It’s a Mystery” (though, the page has apparently been there since September—but hey, it’s new to us).
Speculation immediately jumped to February 20, the date Sony will reveal its next generation PlayStation console.
A conversation between PSU, Media Molecule lead designer Rex Crowle, and level designer Christophe Villedieu in Hollywood last week hints at the project’s coming reveal.
“Obviously we’re not actually going to comment on what else we’re working on at this point, but, yeah, there’s exciting things happening in the studio,” said Crowle.
Asked if we can expect to hear about the studio’s mystery title in the coming months, Villedieu said with a smile that the studio would have news to share “soonish.”