Photo Kano Kiss detailed in Famitsu
Freely adjust your photo shoots with more ease and speed.
As promised, Famitsu this week has new details on Kadokawa Games newly announced PlayStation Vita title Photo Kano Kiss.

Photo Kano Kiss is currently 65 percent complete. New modes introduced in the PS Vita game include Touch Mode, Gyro Mode, and Finder Mode.
During Photo Sessions, the angle of the camera can now be freely adjusted to take photos with more ease and at a more rapid pace. It’s made so that you can peek around with low and high angles.
New scenario “Love Love Days,” which describes what happens after confessing attraction, has been added. The scenario is about 1/4 the volume of the main scenario, and includes 10,000 new voices. (I’m not sure if this is a typo — that seems like a lot of voices!)

A new event where three characters appear on-screen at the same time has been added. “Love Love Touch,” which I’m guessing is another new mode, will allow you to touch a girl at any time. And another new scenario, “Love Love Perfection,” will offer immediate kisses.
Photo Kano Kiss is due for PS Vita in Japan this spring.

Thanks, Game Nyarth.