Microsoft and 343 Industries have shared new details on Halo 4‘s overhauled Forge mode, a map-editing tool first introduced in Halo 3
GameSpot has posted an exclusive preview video. Here’s what we’ve scavenged:
- You’ll have a bunch of different options for object types you can use. Each map will also have specific palettes.
- When objects are highlighted green, that means you can place the object. You can also quick delete.
- Shadows will also appear, depending on where you place the object.
- Objects can be duplicated using the d-pad, allowing you to easily, rapidly place the same objects across the map.
- Almost all of the Forge mode pieces have magnets, which allow for easy snaps between objects.
- The new Ordinance System gives you access to dropping ordinance. Initial drops happen at the start of the map. Random drops randomize which ordinance show up. And Objective drops come in whenever you accomplish certain goals.
- Gravity Volumes are a new gadget that allow you to change the traits that happens when a player enters the zone. Within this zone, low gravity is activated.
- You can lock pieces in place, ensuring that you’re unable to move or edit a piece until it’s unlocked. This is great if you’re working with 400-500 piece in a scene, and you don’t want to accidently move something.
- There is a “Delete Everything” option if you want to remove all your pieces and start from scratch.
- Trait Zones can be scaled in width and height. In them, you can set shields in health, weapons and damage, equipment, and more. Basically, whatever ideas you might have. You can increase player speed, jump height, etc. These will appear invisible in the game.
Watch the full preview below.
Screen capture via NeoGAF user Vire.