Square Enix will hold a Final Fantasy 25th anniversary event in Shibuya from August 31 through September 2. The first day of the show will be an early demo event and opening ceremony for press. The second day promises new announcements.
On September 1, at 11:30 local time, Square Enix will outline its future plans for Final Fantasy XIII at a stage event called, “Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Saga: New Developments Presentation.” The game’s director, producer, and art director will detail the next expansion of the Final Fantasy XIII project. Previously, it’s been hinted Square will announce a third entry to the saga, Final Fantasy XIII-3. Between Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, the project has sold 9.6 million units worldwide.
At 17:30 on the same date, Square Enix will host its “Final Fantasy XIV Special Talk Show,” wich will share the latest details on the MMORPG’s upcoming 2.0 update, as well as the PlayStation 3 version. Producer Naoki Yoshida will be in attendance.
On September 2, at 11:30, Square Enix will host a “Final Fantasy VII 15th Anniversary Stage,” which will look back at the first Final Fantasy to use polygons with the compilation’s voice actors. Then, at 14:30, Square will host its “Square Enix Chan! Presents” radio broadcast, where it plans to discuss the future of the series with guests including Hajime Tabata, Yoshihisa Hashimoto, and Yusuke Naora.
Visit the event’s official website here.
Thanks, FF-Reunion.