Following a Jump leak earlier this morning, Namco Bandai has confirmed during its Game Wednesday live stream a November 1 Japanese launch for Tales of Xillia 2. It will cost 8,380 yen.
Pre-order bonuses include a short story detailing the events between Tales of Xillia and Tales of Xillia 2, an Emil Castagnier (Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World) costume for Ludger, two more costumes to be detailed at a later date, and a PlayStation 3 custom theme. Reservations begin tomorrow.
The DualShock 3 Tales of Xillia 2 Edition, which includes an Xillia-branded DualShock 3, will launch for 12,980 yen. The LaLaBit Market Kyun Character Pack edition, which includes Ludger and Elle Kyun character figures, and a deluxe calendar box, will launch for 11,980 yen. The Famitsu DX Pack, which includes a Lulu plushie, ufotable illustrations on B2 tapestry, six clear character foils, and an original mug cup, will cost 11,499 yen.
Tales of Xillia 2 producer Hideo Baba detailed a series of forthcoming promotional events. A new commecial, featuring original animation from the game, will debut on July 7 during Fuji TV’s Mecha-Mecha Iketeru! between 19:00 and 20:54. Tales Channel + members will have early access to the commercial on July 6.
On August 18, Namco Bandai will host an event stage at the Kotobukiya Base in Akiba. From August 18 to August 26, at the same location, it will host a “Tales of Summer Festival” (tentative).
From October 20 to December 2, Namco will host an attraction called “Tales of Xillia 2 in Namco Nanja Town” in Toshima’s Ikebukuro.
New information on the game will be published in next week’s issue of Weekly Jump (which already leaked) and Weekly Famitsu, including details on new characters (probably Alvin and Leia, which were part of the leak).
In other news, Baba confirmed the game is currently 65 percent complete. Also, Tekken series producer Katsuhiro Harada interrupted the broadcast to complain about having to pay for the Tales series’ past swimsuit download costumes.
Unrelated to the announcement, but also of note, a snippet from an interview with Tales series producer Hideo Baba in the latest issue of Viva Tales of Magazine published on the game’s official site reveals that development on Tales of Xillia 2 began during production of the first game. The sequel went into full development once Tales of Xillia wrapped up, when staff moved onto creating the sequel. That said, Tales of Xillia 2‘s key staff is more or less the same as the first game’s.
Thanks, Game Jouhou.