Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation outed for PS Vita
Set in New Orleans and starring female assassin.
Assassin’s Creed III is coming to PlayStation Vita – but not in the same form as its console and PC cousins. The latest issue of Game Informer has the scoop on Assassin’s Creed: Liberation, a Ubisoft Sofia-developed spin-off starring a female, half-French, half-African American assassin named Aveline, who is unrelated to Desmond (someone else is in the Animus).
The game is set in New Orleans during the French and Indian War (1765-1780) and promises to remain true to the Assassin’s Creed series style of gameplay. It will be released “as a propaganda tool by Abstergo, who want players to experience a gray area of the Assassin / Templar conflict as an assassin rather than a templar.”
Aveline has a mentor named Agate, who is the assassin leader in New Orleans. The game is set in “large gameplay areas” where “you can run, climb, fight, and explore the entirety of New Orleans without loading a new area.” Players will also travel the Gulf into Mexico. During one point (warning: this may be a spoiler) Aveline will meet Connor, the hero of Assassin’s Creed III.
The game’s multiplayer is said to be “tailored to the Vita experience.”
Vita-specific controls include use of the front and rear touch panels to pick pocket others. New weapons include a sugarcane machete, pistols, muskets, and grenades.
The game will launch day and date with Assassin’s Creed III on consoles and PC, which is October 30, this year.
Expect more details on Monday, where Ubisoft will officially announce the game at their E3 press conference.