Just Add Water will launch Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath on PlayStation Vita next month, according to studio boss Stewart Gilray.
Speaking on the latest PlayStation Blogcast, Gilray said development on the PlayStation Vita version began “about five and a half weeks ago.”
“The guy who’s doing it had actually never touched a Vita before — he just plugged it in and read the documentation,” said Gilray. “He probably spent half a week reading the documentation and then the next week he already had the code running.
“He was surprised how quickly he managed to get things going.”
The PlayStation 3 version of Stranger’s Wrath launched in October last year. PlayStation Move and 3D support will reach the game via an update later this month, confirmed Gilray.
A high definition version of Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee is also in develompent. According to Gilray, the next step is four weeks of QA testing.
Thanks, VG247 (via PushSquare).