Capcom will hold a Monster Hunter stage event at its Summer Jam at Tokyo Big Sight next month. It will discuss the series and share the latest information on Monster Hunter 4, announced for 3DS back in September. The publisher will also hold stage events for Resident Evil 6 and recently announced Lost Planet spin-off E.X Troopers.
Capcom’s full Summer Jam lineup includes:
- Resident Evil 6 (PS3, 360) – Stage
- Monster Hunter Tri G (3DS) – Tournament, Playable
- E.X. Troopers (PS3, 3DS) – Stage
- Street Fighter X Tekken (PSV) – Playable
- Sengoku Basara HD Collection (PS3) – Playable
- Browser Sengoku Basara (PC) – Playable
- Sengoku Basara Card Heroes (Mobage) – Playable
- Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor (360) – Playable
- Airu de Puzzle (PSP) – Playable
The event will be held on June 30 and July 1. Visit the official website here.