The latest in Irrational Games’ series of “Heavy Hitter” enemy reveals for BioShock Infinite is an eyeless watcher. The “Boys of Silence,” as they’re called, are completely blind, but can detect your presence with their massive metal ears. If you attempt to sneak by them and they notice you, be prepared to face against backup.
“Rarely this happens when I see a concept I’m like, ‘Oh my God! We have to do that!'” said game director Ken Levine.
“I think he’s going to be scary in the game and somebody the players are going to love to meet, but also hate to meet.”
According to art director Nate Wells, the entire development theam thought the character “was like the coolest thing we’d ever seen.”
He added: “Anytime you completely obscure something’s face, there’s a creepiness that falls naturally out of wondering what’s going on in there. You know, is it this hideously deformed child? Is there a head at all? You can only assume that it’s horrible to be inside that mask, and I think that’s where a lot of his scare value comes from.”
Check out the Boys of Silence featurette and artwork below.

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