Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch will be on PS Vita [Update]
Sony: "All of our studios" on the platform.
While we have not seen them all yet, eventually all of of Sony’s Worldwide Studios will be on PlayStation Vita, according to Guy Longsworth, senior vice president of PlayStation brand marketing.
“Absolutely you will [see Naughty Dog on Vita],” said Longsworth in a GameTrailers interview (via Eurogamer). “You’ll see a number of games coming out from all of our studios.”
Uncharted, a series regularly developed by Naughty Dog, appeared on PlayStation Vita as Uncharted: Golden Abyss, developed by Sony’s Bend Studio. We’ve still yet to see developers such as Sucker Punch, Media Molecule, Guerrilla Games, and Santa Monica Studio on the handheld.
Longsworth also pledged five to ten years to the platform.
“We see this as a five to 10 year platform, so we’ll judge the success of this in 12, 24, 36 months,” he said. “We expect to have a great launch, but it’s really in 12 or 24 months we’ll know how successful it’s been.”
PlayStation Vita launches Wednesday, February 22 in North America and Europe.
Update: Naughty Dog community manager Arne Meyer has said it is not working on anything for Vita, and that the quote is a misunderstanding.
“We’re not working on anything for PS Vita. I won’t say never, ever, but there’s no plans for it right now – we’ve always felt that consoles play to our strengths as a studio the best,” said Meyer.
“Given the brackets (to indicate an implication on the part of the quote) I’m sure this was a misunderstanding to the question that was being posed.”