Sony lifted the lid on two new PlayStation Vita titles today from two familiar developers.
The first, Motorstorm RC, is in development at Evolution Studios. To be released for PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3 via PlayStation Network, it’s a “radio controlled off-road racing game.”
The game features all four Motorstorm worlds, eight vehicle classes, and “endless competition.” It’ll boast cross-platform connectivity—you can play at home on your PlayStation 3 and continue your progress on Vita. It’s still in early development.
Watch the debut trailer above. See a set of screenshots at the gallery.

The second game, in development at SOCOM studio Zipper Interactive, is a third-person shooter called Unit 13.
Built from the ground up for Vita, it’s described as a “hard-hitting” and “fast action” title. It’ll utilize the system’s front and back touch interface in a “unique and fun way,” allowing players to “interact quickly with the in-the-world elements” of the game.
According to Zipper, “fast action, on-the-go gameplay” was the key goal in creating Unit 13. The game will feature 36 missions across nine locales, with six different Operatives playable—each with their own “unique” abilities. As you play, you’ll unlock High Value Target (HVT) enemy battles, which you can share with friends through Vita’s Near application.
Unit 13‘s online functionality features leaderboards, new “Daily Challenge” content, new unlocks, HVTs, and challenges from friends. Of course, you’re able to play with friends in co-op, voice chat and all.
The first screenshots of Unit 13 can be seen at the gallery.