Game Informer will have a big cover story for their next issue. Magazine executive editor Andrew Reiner and editor-in-chief Andy McNamara have begun teasing on Twitter.
“Game Informer’s August cover story features a game that wasn’t at E3,” wrote Reiner in an update.
The latest status update on his Game Informer profile reads: “Looking over August’s cover story. You won’t see this one coming, folks.”
A few days back, McNamara tweeted: “Cover line we did not use for the new issue: This game is from dudes who worked on f’ing XXXX and XXXX. Read this.”
He later added: “They [the two games] are definitely games that left their mark on gaming.”
What can it be? Grand Theft Auto V? The Last Guardian? We should find out in the coming days.
Thanks, NeoGAF.