Delving into the source code of the yesterday-released Sonic Generations demo, Sonic Retro found a list of levels to be included in the retail game when it launches this November.
Warning: there are potential spoilers ahead.
According to the source code, these stages will be in Sonic Generations (each stage has two variations – one for Classic Sonic, one for Modern Sonic):
- Green Hill Zone – Sonic the Hedgehog
- Chemical Plant Zone – Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- Sky Sanctuary – Sonic & Knuckles
- Speed Highway – Sonic Adventure
- City Escape – Sonic Adventure 2
- Seaside Hill – Sonic Heroes
- Crisis City – Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
- Rooftop Run – Sonic Unleashed
- Planet Wisp – Sonic Colors
Additionally, Casino Night Zone, from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, will be available as pre-order bonus downloadable content, courtesy of GameStop.
And these are the boss fights:
- Metal Sonic
- Shadow
- Silver
- “Death Egg”
- Perfect Chaos
- Egg Dragoon
- LastBoss (TimeEater)
The site also found a number of music files in the demo, which they’ve put up for download on MediaFire and on their servers.
Sega, who contacted the site after the leak was posted, has said that some of the levels revealed are works in progress and not final products. So take the list with a small grain of salt, as there’s a possibility it isn’t all included in Generations.
Another report, made by a member of the Sonic Stadium forums, reveals Knuckles’ modern model is found within the folders of the Green Hill Zone stage. Super Sonic models for both Classic and Modern Sonic were also discovered.
The thread is filled with plenty of asset leaks, including head icons for “Shadow, Classic, Modern, Modern Tails, Knuckles, Vector, Amy, Cream, Blaze, and Eggman,” according to the Japanese translations. Most members assume these are for missions, rather than playable characters, as its a different color Sonic head with Japanese kanji written over it. Sonic Team’s said time and time again that Classic and Modern Sonic are the only two playable characters in the game.
Sonic Generations is out November for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo 3DS.